Assemblies Of God Church Emergency Series Season.1 ISSUE.4

My 2012 Crystal Ball….

2012 will be a crucial year for everyone across the poles of the earth. For the church, it will be a time of stiffer preparation for the great Apocalypse, for the business or corporate circus, it will be a critical year to be alert at how, where, when and what you invest your money in. You just have to be at alert as per where business is heading to. So many things that prospered people in the past years will likely fail and not work as usual. Already, Money has failed in the World marketplace today. It is likely intelligence will fail also and the only thing that may stand the test of time will be INTEGRITY and cutting-edge knowledge of the Word of God.

We are living in the time of knowledge and speed of information and the result a man stand to command in the marketplace will be the relative factors of God working on his behave. The God factor is what the entire world must stand up to acknowledge in a time like this. He is the only enigma that was not created and has the capacity to eliminate all other factors. I have seen the year 2012 from afar….it is going to be a critical time but not as usual. One will need a baggage of upgraded knowledge, tool kits and expanded perspective to actually cash on the strategic advantage of the sanctuaries of opportunities amidst mortuaries of extensible threats.

ALERT! ALERT!! ALERT!!! 2012 is not a time of business as usual, rather mark the beginning of the apocalypse of the super-industrial era in a baggage of style that will mark the new down in the history of humanity on this ontological void- planet earth. Do believe in God or believe in the Church. Do you believe in money or in the power of INTEGRITY and in the POWER RELATIONSHIP with the Supreme Intelligence? You stand to lose everything if you decide to play the game of money from the flank as before. You stand to jeopardize the bliss of your relationship if think of playing from afar as before. You stand to lose your job if you think that the old gimmicks are going to work magic as usual. You stand to lose it all if dare play with your character.

For those in God, it is time to live and do exploit in the knowledge of His uncommon deity. It is time to celebrate in the readiness of the soon coming Apocalypse that will surprise the whole earth. What is spawning the entire earth orbit at the moment is man-made knowledge that can fail any time. Just as man-made economic principles have started to fail likewise every other thing will continue to fail until the time of “RAPTURE VUUM” There is handwriting on the face of the sky now. Look up and see it. It is so bold and it is writing all the time. IT IS JUST A WARNING!

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